Author: Leadbroker

Is blogging a good idea?  Let the Huffpost article tell you why it is.,asking%20for%20anything%20in%20return. 10 Reasons You Should Start Blogging By Michael B. Fishbein "Blogging can be incredibly valuable to a variety of people and for a variety of reasons. Blogging is not just for businesses! I’ve benefited...

Small Biz Trends helps us understand more of what is needed when designing an e-commerce site.  For more tips, follow the link provided. ________________________ Source - 10 Awesome Tips for a Successful WordPress Ecommerce Business Published: Jul 29, 2019 Last Updated: Apr 14, 2021 by Rob Starr "WordPress Ecommerce...

Every wondered how a computer is made?  Let Tech-faq explain how. __________________________ Source - "Because the modern world is built upon computers and other forms of technology, it is important for users to understand how computers work and how they are made. The construction of a computer...

Well, isn't this interesting?  From ________________________ Source - The Pentagon (Finally) Ditched Floppy Disks to Control Nuclear Missiles Updated November 06, 2019 By Rachelle Dragani "Today, in good news that you didn’t know you needed: The United States nuclear program no longer relies on floppy disks. Your reaction to this...

Enjoy the article!  Maybe it will provide inspiration for a new job move. _______________________ The 10 Best Tech Jobs Source - By TERRI WILLIAMS Updated Nov 26, 2020 "It’s hard to go wrong with a technology degree. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, computer science is the...

Some great websites to follow! _________________________________ For more, please follow the link - The Best Tech Websites to Follow in 2021 "Technology has invaded every aspect of our lives. From smartphones to smart cars- iPhones to Tesla, everything is now powered through technology. Technology has completely revolutionized the way...

Hope you enjoy today's article! ______________________________________________________________________ South African Regulator Battle with WhatsApp over Privacy Policy - by TheTechDailyPostMAY 14, 2021 Source - "The South African Information Regulator is consulting with legal council to get WhatsApp’s parent company Facebook to revise the privacy policy in South Africa to the standard...

What is Web Design? Web design refers to the design of websites that are displayed on the internet as well as to the user experience aspects of website development. Website design used to be focused on designing sites for desktop browsers; however, design for mobile and tablet...

Information sourced from the websites below. Web Design No No's - Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs "Lags and slow load times Speed is one of the most important aspects of your website. Remember—you only have a few seconds to capture the attention of your visitors and create...